Archive for the ‘AdvoCare’ Category

AdvoCare Founding Partner for Women’s Professional Soccer

April 18, 2009

AdvoCare is proud to be a Founding Partner for
Women’s Professional Soccer (WPS), as well as providing Rehydrate as the official isotonic beverage.

WPS is the highest ranked women’s professional soccer league in North America. Formed in September 2007 thanks to the efforts of the Women’s Soccer Initiative, Inc., WPS, consists
of seven teams across the country.

The markets for the 2009 season are Bay Area, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New Jersey/New York, St. Louis and Washington, D.C.

The inaugural season kicked off March 29, 2009.

Click here to learn more about the WPS

Fox Soccer Channel will broadcast a game each week with the “WPS Sundays on FSC” airing every Sunday April through August with the WPS Playoffs on Fox Sports Net.

Check out the games to see endorser Carli Lloyd and the AdvoCare name on stadium boards, towels, water bottles and more!

My AdvoCare Weight Loss Story

April 16, 2009

I wanted to share just a little bit about my AdvoCare weight loss story with you all, my wonderful customers and friends and readers. I know we all turn to AdvoCare for different needs. But for those of you interested in losing weight and or gaining muscle, I think you’ll enjoy this story.

When I found AdvoCare I weighed about 280 pounds. As a 5’7″ female, that was grossly overweight. As a result of my weight, I didn’t have enough energy. But I wasn’t concerned with losing weight, I just wanted to drink Spark, because it helped me have enough energy to get through my day. I was drinking 1-2 Sparks a day, and began to lose a little weight. Not more really than just enough to see on the scales. It wasn’t like I was out buying a whole new wardrobe. Then AdvoCare released a product called Thermoplus, which was designed to increase your metabolism, but the distributors who test marketed eat said it was like a supplemental energy product. So I ordered a bottle of Thermoplus with my next Spark order. And the weight started to come off a little bit faster.

Mind you, I spent 12+ hours per day in front of a computer, so it wasn’t like I was power training or anything.

Then I went to Success School a few years ago. At Success School I began to be educated about the whole family of products and the numerous ways that I could improve my health and my life just by incorporating them into my daily life. I started to see the vision of people who had lost weight. A LOT of weight. I thought I could maybe be one of those people some day. I started using the MNS 14 day weight loss packs which included my vitamins, meal replacement shakes, and of course Spark. In addition to that I utilized the Thermoplus. And I began to add a few products from the wellness line and the performance elite line. Joint Promotion relieved a lifelong ache in my knees and my ankles so that I was able to get up from in front of the computer and off the couch to get a little exercise. And we are talking a very little. My initial goal was to walk from my house to the stop sign and back. That was two tenths of a mile each way. And it was hard at first. The reason I set the stop sign as my goal, is that portion of the road is a simple incline and decline. At the stop sign either way I turned I had to go up and down steeper hills.

I also began to take Muscle Gain before any times that I was going to exercise and Night Time Recovery any time that I pushed my body farther than I thought it could go and was worried that I would be sore the next day. For example, I got mad at a tree in my yard that was shading my day lilly bed and preventing the flowers from blooming. I thought about taking that tree down for weeks! Finally I did – with a hack saw! Crazy approach, I know. But a real sign of how AdvoCare was changing my life.

At nearly 38 years of age, I also added in AdvoCare’s Fem 20 vitamin supplement and Amplify A.T. an energy boosting supplement. I probably waited too late in life for Fem 20, but couldn’t bring myself to switch to Fem 40+. Now that I am 40, I am still struggling. I do take the CorePlex supplement, anytime that I’m not using my MNS strips or complete kit. Amplify AT on the other hand was like putting my Spark on hyper-drive. My energy was longer sustained, and I felt like getting out and moving around. In fact so much so, that I took up horseback riding again after a ten year hiatus.

And I didn’t just start riding, I joined a mounted drill team and with my AdvoCare income, purchased two un-broke horses to train. Today, my core product line includes a supplement, Spark, and Amplify AT. I do like AdvoCare’s adaptogen product, A-Supreme, but because it has to be refrigerated and my lifestyle has become more active, I have a harder time incorporating that into my life. Flast forward to 2009. I had my first spark on a camping trip nearly six years ago and weighed nearly 280 pounds.

Today I still drink Spark every day. But I weigh 206 pounds! Its been a very slow and steady process for me, but I am well on my way to being below 200 pounds, something I haven’t seen since age 22 or thereabouts. I thank God every day, that for myself and my children I can now get up off the couch and do something with myself. And for myself. I thank AdvoCare for the products. And I thank my friends and customers for the support. A body is truly a terrible thing to waste. I really, really hope that you will share my AdvoCare story with anyone you know who is struggling. I want to be a difference maker. I want to help.

If you dream of being a difference maker, too, check out

Shannan Hearne


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Spark is Back

March 21, 2009

We spent a really wierd three weeks in my house, with no Spark.  I realize that most people would think just drink coffeeor soda insread.  Or even run to the store and supplement with a Red Bull or Ampr or 5 Hour Energy Shot to compensate.  But I am a purest and I just couldn’t get excited about an energy drink that didn’t taste good and had a hard crash.  So I had to settle for something else.  And that ended up being nothing.  Once my AdvoCare Spark and Slam ran out, I began running on empty.  I found that by the afternoon I was too tired to work or write.  Making dinner was like walking through fog.  And by the third week, I couldn’t wake up when my alarm went off.  Now maybe this just means that I was drinking an excewssive amount of AdvoCare product, but I was one tired and lazy puppy.  Thankfully my Spark and Jingle Slam arrived yesterday and once again I can function!  Yeah, AdvoCare!

AdvoCare Slim

March 21, 2009
AdvoCare® Slim™
Flavor: Tropical Swirl
Servings: 12
Retail: $39.95
Related products:
MNS® Max 3
Retail: $42.95
Retail: $30.50
AdvoCare Spark® Energy Drink
Retail: $51.95

Anti Aging Serum <!– –>


  • A portable weight-management aid*
  • Formulated with Svetol® and Super CitriMax® – ingredients that support weight loss and fat reduction*
  • Supports appetite management*
  • Provides support for long-lasting energy*
  • Helps fight occasional drowsiness*
  • Can be used in conjunction with MNS or as a stand alone
  • Quick acting*
  • Great tasting Tropical Swirl flavor*


For anyone looking for an easy-to-use solution for weight loss and weight management, AdvoCare® Slim™ is the perfect answer.* Combining appetite suppression, energy and metabolic enhancers, this 2 oz. liquid serving not only helps you control your cravings but also promotes fat reduction and an improvement in your body composition.* Altogether, Slim has a synergistic effect, helping you manage your diet and maintain energy while changing your body from within.* It really is a system in a bottle!

Slim combines two proven ingredients, Svetol® and Super Citrimax®.


  • Anyone looking for a healthy weight-loss system that’s portable and convenient
  • Individuals who need an extra boost of energy
  • People who are looking for appetite control
  • Anyone with an aversion to pills
  • Someone who wants to add another weight-management tool in conjunction with MNS


For ages 18 and older

KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN: In case of accidental overdose, seek professional assistance or contact a poison control center immediately.


Green coffee extract Svetol (fruit – Coffea canephora robusta P.)
Garcinia cambogia fruit extract, Super CitriMax
Svetol® is property of Naturex. Super Citrimax® is property of Pharmachem Laboratories.

5 Tips for New Year’s Fitness

January 15, 2009

 It’s that time of year again and many people are attempting to get on the fitness bandwagon.  Honestly, I’ve never truly understood the whole fitness resolution thing.  Maybe it’s guilt from all the parties, lack of activity or just plain old weight gain from the last month to month and a half.  The purpose of this article is to get you thinking about fitness as more of a permanent change.  Otherwise, the gains you’ve made, if any, will all go away once you stop and you’ll end up more disheveled.  To get you going, here are my 5 steps to New Year’s success:

The Big 5

1.  Start Gradual – This doesn’t mean only going once or twice a month, but it definitely doesn’t mean training every day.  This will inevitably lead to burnout and progress probably won’t come as quickly as you might think.  I know, I know, you’ve been watching The Biggest Loser on TV.  My feeling is those people are put into an abnormal situation and a large percentage will probably go back to where they started before or worse.  I still can’t believe they haven’t had a contestant hospitalized with some of the methods they use (the hate mail begins).

2.  Cover All Your Bases – Along those same lines, you must address every area of importance as it relates to your health and fitness goal(s).  This means addressing your weight training needs, cardiovascular (ESD) training and nutrition.  Many people that have made exercising a habit have only part of this equation.  This is the big reason why they’ve stagnated.  Get started with the right formula and you’ll be better off.

3.  Get Support – Not everyone can achieve his/her goals without having a good support structure.  This means having a supportive spouse, friend, colleague, etc. to help you along the way.  By the way, this doesn’t necessarily mean they give you advice on what to do – leave that to the Professionals.

4.  Be Consistent – Without doing anything with some kind of consistency, you’ll only get so far.  This is absolutely true with fitness.  We call it the SAID (Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands) principle.  If you don’t weight train regularly, for example, your body has no excuse to keep what you’ve worked so hard to produce. 

5.  Get Help – This could be hiring a Personal Trainer, going to group fitness classes, bootcamps etc.  Having a professional to help you along the way has been shown to produce faster results and improve compliance.  Some research has shown a 30% increase in effort just by hiring a Coach – typically means faster results.  By the way, this was just having someone there to supervise the workout and not actually coach.  Imagine the type of progress with someone who coached you up and had great program design skills.


I hope this helps you get started on the right track to better health and performance.  Most New Year’s Resolution people quite shortly after starting and I don’t want that to be you.  Make fitness a permanent lifestyle change and you’ll continue to see the rewards. 

Remember, you can always trust to offer the best in products for your health and fitness.

July Product Spotlight – Muscle Gain

July 13, 2008


With Muscle Gain, you get a superior source of high-grade protein without excessive calories, fats or carbohydrates.

What is Muscle Gain?
Muscle Gain is a great-tasting protein shake available in Vanilla and Chocolate. It provides a metabolically balanced protein blend to feed your muscles the amino acids and other components that are paramount to muscle building.

Why Muscle Gain?
Muscle Gain offers 25 grams of high-grade hydrolyzed protein with only 135 calories. It also includes digestive enzymes (papin and bromelain) that help facilitate protein digestion. Not only are you getting a product with superior protein to support lean muscle, you also receive the components to help your body appreciate this product at an optimal level.

Who needs Muscle Gain?
• Anyone wanting to add lean muscle
• Anyone looking for a good source of protein without excessive calories
• People needing to consume protein through supplementation
• Athletes looking to train with only high-quality protein supplementation

What are the benefits?
• Has 25 grams of high-grade, easily digestible protein per serving
• Offers nutritional support for increased muscle mass
• Enhances physical performance and endurance
• Supports enzyme production and muscle metabolic processes
• Helps maintain and restore energy supplies during and after physical activity Special offer!  Purchase 2 containers of muscle gain and get a third for just $10!

38 Days to Wow

May 6, 2008


Herbal Cleanse
and BREAKFAST: Meal replacement shakes 
NEXT 28 days. .. STEP 2
2 MNS kits  contains, vit’s, shakes and spark
3 boxes of bars. meal replacement, fruit and fiber, breakfast bar
1 Catalyst
1 Thermoplus
1 bottle of pro-biotic restore
 8 live changing habits.
provided by me via email. and webinar!
you may do this as a group or individually
We will talk via phone, email or at a meeting, every two weeks.
The plan is customized for the specific products you need but that is the basics.

Weight Loss Maintenance Tips

March 12, 2008
While reading Fit-Pro, I came across a neat and useful list of tools to help us maintain the weight loss that we’ve set in motion through AdvoCare.
1.  Quality of intake – eat more veggies, fruits, whole grains, lean protein, low fat and no-fat dairy.
2.  Low variety of calorically dense food – the calories per ounce, the less of the food you should consume.
3.  Face to face accountability – everyone needs weightloss and wellness partners.  I’ve found mine at where I’ve become a coach.  You can too.
4.  Low variety of all food groups – its been proven that eating the same sort and kind of foods makes calorie counting easier.  Yes, its true, even when we reach our goal weights we will still have to watch our calories.
5.  Low television viewing – too often sedenatary veiwing is associated with mindless eating.  Hey, my mother didn’t call it the idiot box for nothing.
6.  Daily weighing – stay on top of the changes in your body and your weight so that you can catch them quickly.
7.  Greater weight loss – We have found that the more you lose the more likely you are to keep it off.  Look at Jared.
8.  Physically active lifestyle – the more actively you live the more likely you are to maintain your weight loss.  For someone like me who works behind a computer, this is a real challenge.  I’ve “hired” my children to make sure I get out and walk or play or do a work out each day.  Believe me, they are slave drivers.
9.  Eating breakfast – You have to start your metabolism each day.  For those of us who have reached a certain age, this gets harder and harder to do.  I’ve found AdvoCare’s Thermoplus to be a very powerful tool in keeping my metabolism up.  But beware, increased metabolism can lead to increased food consumption unless you are on guard at all times.
10.  Regular meal rhythm – Missing meals leads to overeating when we do eat.  So maybe those meals on the run aren’t such a bad thing after all.  I keep meal replacement bars and shakes in my desk at work just in case I don’t have time to eat or forget to bring my lunch.
11.  Control of overeating – Pay attention to each bite, eat slowly, and eat without major distractions so that you know when you are full and stop eating accordingly.
12.  Internal Motivation to lose weight – Remember why you chose to lose the weight, and that it was your decision not anyone else’s.  Keep the faith, keep motivated.
13.  Social support – Friends who stood by you when you said no to ice cream sundaes and refrained from drinking triple dutch latte supremes in front of you are still the one’s who support you in your weight loss maintenance.
14.  Ability to handle stress – Stress leads to weight gain.  Inability to handle stress leads to weight gain.  So unless your life became stress free as a result of your weight loss, maintain those stress handling tools to keep your waistline in tact.
15.  Low daily screen time – When you are in front of the screen you are probably not moving and very likely eating.  This isn’t limited to the tv, include computer, video game, portable telephone, movie screens, etc.  If you must imbibe in the electronic thrill factor, better put a sationary bike in front of that tv or keyboard.
16.  Meeting public health recommendatins regarding physical activity – Current recommendations are five days a week of moderate activity or three days of vigorous activity and two days of weight training.
17.  Monitored intake of food – Whether you count calories or servings or measure portion sizes or eat commercial prepared meals with certain calorie intakes, this is a sure fire way to maintain weight loss.
18.  Monitored intake of fat – Fat gram for gram has more than twice as many calories as carbohydrates or proteins.
19.  Physically active for more than one hour per day – What?  More than my 10 Minute Trainer from Million Dollar Body or my 40 minute Callenetics work out?  Perish the thought!  Its true, though.  Exercise that lasts longer than 60 minutes goes from shaping muscle to burning fat and after all which are we more concerned with?  The key to doing this successfully is finding exercise that you really enjoy.  Whether its walking, riding a bicycle, riding a horse, or working in the yard, find something that you look forward to doing.
20.  Low calore intake – Here is where a healthy meal plan really comes into play.  Consider how many calories is the right amount for your body and your level of exercise and plan accordingly.  Just like when you were losing weight, too many calories equates to weight gain.
21.  Consistent eating patterns across weekdays and weekends – Spread your calories out evenly throughout the week.  If you are snacking on apples and carrots all week at your desk, don’t switch to candy bars and twinkies on the weekends.  This is where I find AdvoCare’s snack bars to be a real help.  They taste a lot like a Snickers bar, with more protein and less fat and calories.
22.  Low levels of depression – Depression like stress leads to overeating and weight gain.  Don’t let it sabotage your weight loss now.  Granted, losing weight in itself isn’t anything to be depressed about.  But perhaps the things that lead to your initial weight gain are still factors in your life that need to be addressed?
23.  Medicla trigger for weight loss – If your weight loss was triggered by a medically significant occurrance, you are more likely to keep the weight off.
24.  Eating similar amounts of dense foods – Avoid energy dense nutrient diluted foods, they lead to weight gain.
25.  Smaller portions of high energy dense foods – Its okay to eat whatever you want, but you have to guard against overdoing the portion size.  Don’t deprive yourself of what you wan to eat.  But do so in moderation.
To your health and your successful weight loss!

AdvoCare Amplify AT

August 7, 2007

Amplify A.T.

  • Amplify your nutrition
  • Provides excellent support for skin

Looking for a way to amplify your nutrition? You’ve found it with Amplify A.T., a revolutionary formula that combines two potent and unique natural ingredients that will produce advanced nutritional benefits.* For anyone wanting to fight the aging process, Amplify A.T. can help by strengthening the immune system, maintaining normal-range blood pressure and cholesterol levels, help reduce eye strain, and provides excellent nutrition for joint health and mobility. It provides excellent support for skin, too, by revitalizing the appearance of skin, helping to reduce the formation of wrinkles and maintaining healthy skin tone.* For athletes it can help reduce muscle fatigue, promote improved hand/eye response and even aid in muscle recovery after a workout.*

Try AdvoCare Amplify AT today.  Click here.

AdvoCare MNS Kits

August 7, 2007

Advocare MNS Kits represent the best overall solution for noticeable weight loss and energy.*

Each kit contains a 14-day supply of key products to start you on a well-rounded routine toward better health.*

1.  Choose your preferred Metabolic Nutrition System strip packs (Maximum Energy or Maximum Appetite Control) to set the stage for metabolic nutrition.

2. Start your day with a tasty Meal Replacement Shake (vanilla, chocolate and berry flavors) to receive a high-protein meal in this well-balanced, low-calorie shake that helps build your muscles, not your fat.

3.  Finally, add ADVOCARE SPARK Energy Drink (fruit punch, mandarin orange, cherry,  citrus and grape flavors) for the long-lasting energy and mental focus to keep you active and alert throughout the day.*

When combined with a healthy diet and exercise program, MNS Kits help jump-start your weight loss and get you on the right track for better health and wellness.* If you’re looking for the best way to incorporate core AdvoCare products into your life, you’ve found it with the MNS Kits.